Wednesday, October 22, 2014
I figure my main job as a parent, is to
ensure that my kids do not grow up to be assholes.
I have had this sentence rattling
around in my head for years, and this is the very first time I have
ever put it down on paper, without editing that last word with
asterisks. Good grief. Here I am a man of forty-three years old, with
eight kids, and a wife of 22 years, and I just now have the courage
to put swearing into print. Sheesh.
For some of you, that last part lost
you, you don't find it courageous, you find it reprehensible,and yet,
I am dead certain sure, that if you have kids, you appreciate the
sentiment. For me, it is especially challenging, since I have allowed
myself to become one and am now in recovery, assaholics anonymous, as
I heard it put on a sitcom the other night.
Believe me when I say that anyone who
had been through the stupid crap I have been through, been kicked
between the uprights emotionally speaking, as many times as I have
would probably feel justified in just drifting off into
crotchetiness, but I happen to think there are still things for me to
accomplish in this life that are being hindered by my attitude.
It really all came crashing in on me
the other night while perusing my junk mail, which is pretty much all
the email I get. There was one article there about how successful
people deal with toxic people,and, for whatever reason, I was drawn
to this piece of flotsam in my inbox. So, I read it. Do you know what
I realized? I have never given a damn about how to deal with toxic
people and have pretty much written off every bit of advice that I
have ever seen in that vein for one simple reason, which I did not
realize until the moment I read that title, I am a toxic person.
If you have ever had a similar
realization about yourself, you will understand, why after
forty-three years of life, this came as a surprise to me. The rest of
you will probably not get it, but I am going to write about it
anyway, because this is what I need to do right now,and if you don't
think this applies to you there are about a half billion blogs out
there all written for similarly perfect people go read one of them.
Anyway, as I was saying, it hit me right between the uprights, with a
sinking certainty, that I never needed to know how to deal, cope,
work around these difficult people, because I understood them as only
a native could, I was their king.
It had always escaped me, the reason
that I was frequently socially swept aside, not so much rejected, as
marginalized. Included, but not in every way. Part of it was my
reticence to be a joiner, I have never been a true blue fan of
anything much, but part of it was that I have been making people
uncomfortable for a very long time, and it needs to stop. That was my
realization and it took me completely off guard. My wife, if she were
reading this would be shaking her head by now, because she has been
telling me this for over a decade, but of course, I can't see through
her eyes. I am one of those people who need to learn everything for
One of the weirdest parts of this
realization was this: not only was I being a jerk, but a big part of
the reason, and this is going to sound weird, was because I was
trying to be nice. Truly. Let me see if I can explain this. For one
thing, I am a know-it-all. Really, I am. I remember the oddest things
and rarely forget, plus my work history has led me into so many
different fields, and I read nearly anything I can get my hands on,
so I genuinely know a little about a lot of things, and feel pretty
comfortable sharing it.. especially when someone seems to be having
trouble with something I think I know. For another, while I am a
fairly forthright individual, I am also very sensitive, and so, I
frequently avoid saying things that I think are incendiary. But, the
problem is, those things also, frequently happen to be true, and
repressing them does not make it better, but it sure makes for some
beautiful fireworks when the repressed stuff I should have dealt with
comes out later at some awkward, inopportune moment.
In addition to all of this, I am in
love with being right. So much so that I will frequently find some
way in which I am right even in the most obvious of “you're wrong
and you know it” kind of moments. It comes off as pure arrogance,
even when the intention is to save face myself, it feels, to the
other person, that I am trying to make them look bad, forcing them to
accept the thing I am trying to avoid myself.
Then, there's the fact that I never,
ever, not one time in my whole life, have ever backed down from an
argument. So, wrap that package up and what do you have? TADA toxic
person in a box! Throw in a smidge of impulse control and a whole
lotta smart ass, with a bit of a temper (not given to physical, but
verbal violence) and you have a lot of fun at parties, am I right?
So, all of this comes rolling at me
through one little email, and amazingly, the take away for me, was
this: I need to be more honest with people about how I feel. Although
I have always thought myself to be overbearing, I need to have the
courage to speak up when something truly bothers me, instead of
waiting until it pisses me off. I need to stop cramming myself into
uncomfortable situations, to try and help. I need to learn to mind my
own damn business. I need to detox occasionally, in private, to
reduce the risk of infecting others.
So, what does this have to do with my
first sentence? Apparently nothing, but, my challenge to myself right
now is to write what's real, and this realization is real for me
right now. I don't really know much about parenting anyway.
Everything I do know was self taught, trial and error and somehow my
kids are turning out okay, despite me, which I hope gives everyone
who reads this hope!
You may be thinking, sheesh this guy is
a mess, makes me feel better about myself, and I can honestly say,
congratulations! Glad you don't have my issues to deal with, but I
bet you have your own, we'll get to those later. For now, I am
feeling just a little bit better, learning how to live in truth,
courage and humility. Maybe I'll get back to that not raising
assholes thing in another post.
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