Thursday, February 18, 2010
One of my many pet peaves is Christians who wring there hands and go into mourning when their "side" is out of power and then turn right around and excuse the dumbest behavior imaginable when their guy gets in trouble. People, get it through your heads, there is no political solution to what is wrong in the world. In fact, just the opposite, governments have a tendency to be a cancer that spreads and justifies all sorts of human ills, on both sides of the aisle.

The only hope is Jesus. A good friend, who also happens to be the lead pastor where my family and I worship said it better than I last Sunday. Check out the February 14th sermon for a dose of reality that may be a bit of a shock to your system, but sometimes good medicine stings a little on the way down. Check it out HERE


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My first Novel

The Wishmonger is a novel I wrote several years ago. It is primarily written for young adults,but will appeal to all audiences.

It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.


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