Tuesday, November 4, 2014
I have spent a large part of my life in
the public eye. No, that is not a comment on how successful I have
been at it, but I have a talent for attracting attention, and things
like being an actor, running your own business, and writing blog
posts that piss people off will do that for you. Still, it sometimes
comes as a shock to remember that I am not operating in a vacuum,
that people around me really are seeing what I do, hearing what I
say, and sometimes it is even impacting them.
This afternoon for example, a sweet
friend of mine messaged me privately to ask about one of my last blog
posts where I told of my adventures in a Guthrie McDonald's on a
chilly Saturday Fall morning. Seems she was trying to find the
meaning in it, and I wasn't really sure I had put any into it, or
nothing specific, anyway. I said as much to her and tossed a comment
about one thing that had occurred to me about it, which seemed to
help, she replied with a message that kind of stopped me in my
tracks, “Thanks, you are a role model to a lot of people, including
I wanted to scream “NOOOO!” “Don't
do it!” I am so messed up at times, that I don't know which way is
up, and I sure as hell do not want to be responsible for somebody
else's demise in following my example.
That was the second such incident
today, the housekeeper at the home I am working on at the moment
began to ask me questions about my faith, and I answered openly and
honestly, telling her about my misgivings with institutional church
and sharing some things from scripture about some things she said.
Then she asked me what I thought of a particular church, which I
won't mention here, but I spent quite a bit of time there, and my
experience was not all good. She asked why, and I was very careful to
temper my response. Not because I had anything to hide, but as Paul
said, don't eat the meat if it's going to bother your unbelieving
We don't live in a vacuum and this goes
two ways, not only should we be aware, not afraid, but aware of how
our words and actions effect those around us for good, or bad, but we
should be watching out for their welfare as well.
As I sat in another McDonald's for
lunch today, one of the managers on break read a story about a woman
throwing her own six year old child off a bridge. I nearly wept
thinking of what must have happened in this woman's life to lead to
this. Of course a part of me wants to toss her over too, but I think,
who was in her life that should have seen this coming and helped?
In our society today, we tend to see
ourselves in isolation, it is the era of the selfie, we are so self
reflective, most of us would not notice if the world really were
burning down around us, unless it effected us directly. While I abhor
government interference into situations such as the woman on the
bridge, there has to be a solution. Where are we when the crap hits
the fan in others' lives? Are we really too busy to help, or is it
something else?
Is it this idea that if we offer to
help, we become responsible somehow, they may look up to us. Like
feeding a stray cat leads to owning a cat. Too many times I think we
hesitate to do good out of a fear that it will cost us something more
than a bag of groceries or an hour of our time. After all, I have my
own agenda, and slowing down to help you might interfere with that.
But, as I said, and a lot of other
people agree, I don't want my government getting involved in the
messy details of private lives. So, that leaves me and people like
me. If we really want a less governed world, we are going to need to
govern ourselves. This means being aware of our influence on others,
it also means being willing, available, and aware enough to step up
when someone needs us. We have to become at once more self reliant,
and more involved in the lives of others, another of those beautiful
paradoxes that the kingdom of God seems filled with.
So, what do you think? Are we, or are
we not our brother's keeper? Where does responsibility for self end,
and reliance on others begin?
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My first Novel
The Wishmonger is a novel I wrote several years ago. It is primarily written for young adults,but will appeal to all audiences.
It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.
It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.
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