Monday, November 3, 2014
I asked God recently, to help me work
on three areas that I felt like he was pointing out were holding me
back. I asked to be more courageous, more honest (especially with
myself, in a good way instead of bashing myself) and to have more
humility. These are dangerous requests. See, God only has one mode of
teaching and that is through our experiences. He is not merely going
to sit you down and say, here read this great book and then you'll
have it.
Instead, he takes life and turns it
inside out to give us opportunities to expand in those areas, then
waits patiently for us to learn the lesson. Wash, rinse, repeat. So,
two weeks ago (about, I did not write down the moment, ironically, I
write everything else) I started making this my daily prayer, God
teach me to live the truth boldly and with humility.
The first thing that happened was in my
work. I am a home repair and remodel carpenter, and freelance writer.
Things are pretty cyclical in the self employment business and
nothing sucks worse than an election year. Everybody is nervous, they
know what they want, and are willing to pay for it, until they
suddenly are not, and that has been happening a lot this past Summer.
Consequently, we find ourselves a bit behind. This is not because I
am self employed, I actually make more that way than through any of
the jobs I have been offered, (if you know of one that pays really
well, has a flexible schedule and doesn't mind hiring neurotic
artists, let me know) but it may have something to do with the eight
kids and the monstrous old Victorian house that eats energy. At any
rate, the big jobs started drying up. I have had a couple, but I had
to fight tooth and claw to get them, and then a few have done the,
yes, as soon as possible, but we have to wait for money, thing.
There is no shortage, however, of
lesser work, the kind I think of myself as having outgrown about
fifteen years back in my twenty-five year carpentry career. Welcome
to humility training one o one. So, I take what I can get, and do it
to the best of my ability, working as if for the Lord, and not for
men, right? Wrong, I get depressed, and barely drag myself out of
bed. Instead of seeing His hand, I curse “the enemy” and push the
lesson away. But, it keeps coming back, and I am going to have to
deal with my pride, either this way, or the hard way when things get
really tough.
Next up is courage, and for me, this is
not about being timid, or fearful in the traditional sense. I have
not written anything on this blog that I would not say in front of a
thousand people, and that's saying a lot, because I don't hold back
much, except the really personal stuff, like this. So, he begins to
challenge me with all of the ideas and projects that I started to do
with Him in mind. Things that represent, to my way of thinking, huge
personal risk of humiliation when no one pays attention. Yes, I am
the guy who rarely gives all, so I can say to myself (if it falls
short) well, at least you tried, and if you had given everything, it
surely would have been a rousing success!
So, my list of personal improvement
projects gets shifted from one place to the next, I'll start this one
today, sort of thing. But it's time to set a schedule, quit running
things by the seat of my pants. I am getting too old for that. What's
sad is I can see that this kind of thing works. I see it all around
me! I know that when I wrote an actual business plan for my theater,
and committed to it, it happened, without my even needing to organize
the effort, it flowed! Time to get it down on paper, it really is
like magic what happens when we take our daydreams and commit them to
the real world. That, in and of itself, I believe, is the first step
of manifestation in a lot of cases.
Last but not least is the truth. I have
always given a lot of lip service to loving the truth.
Funny how sometimes you write a
sentence, it impacts you, and then nothing else seems to follow it up
quite right, so I will just let that one set there on its own for all
to see. In my life, the truth really is important and I want to be
someone who seeks it out, no matter what it does to my beliefs, or my
carefully crafted delusions. I want my beliefs, and the ideas that I
live by to contain as much truth as I can find. I really do. I am
willing to discard any belief that in my experience proves out to be
This one is something really hard for
me, and that is to truly believe in the skills and talents that God
has given me. I did, once upon a time, I really did. I followed them
to the ends of the earth, believing that some day, it would all work
out, and I would be able to share them with the world, and still eat
and have electricity. When that dream died and we had to close our
theater, a huge piece of me went with it, and it's time for me to get
it back.
The truth is, I am a gifted actor and
story teller. I am a highly skilled theatrical director, scene
designer and acting coach. I have over a thousand former students,
dozens of whom are pursuing professional careers even as I write
this. But, when I look at it most days, all I see is the fact that I
had to close the doors because not enough people shared that belief
with me. That hurts. It turns what others see so obviously, and
remind me of, into stinging arrows. I didn't make it that time. Or
the time before that.
So, as I write this, I am struggling
with God on some dreams he is reawakening. I am dreaming again, but
for me, they all hold an element of the nightmare for the moment. I
don't know what it is about the artistic temperament, maybe it is how
long we live with our work before it is born into the world, but I,
for one, take this failure very personally. Even though I know that
the art was not the reason it failed. It was a business, and
businesses do that from time to time, often outside of our control.
So, right now, I am a big ball of
emotion and spiritual awakening and my moments are sometimes painful
realizations of what it will mean to become these things. And some
days, it almost overshadows the glory of an image I am beginning to
see, of who I will be at the end of this. Almost. But I refuse to
give up. I have come too far. I have lost too much and suffered some
really deep things, but I survived, and I didn't survive to just go
on surviving. There has to be more, there will be more, there is
going to be much more. Now, if I can just stay out of the way, and
keep my mind in the right place long enough for Him to finish this
next phase of me!
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My first Novel
The Wishmonger is a novel I wrote several years ago. It is primarily written for young adults,but will appeal to all audiences.
It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.
It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.
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