Sunday, November 30, 2014
This conversation just took place on FB between myself, my brother in Dallas, three individuals I do not know but two who revealed themselves as cops. They appear to be with the Oklahoma City Police Department. Please read it, share it, comment on it and spread it. This is no aberration. This is how the majority of officers think these days. This is the problem, the face of the problem and the reason that I cannot blame the looters in Ferguson. Their actions made no sense, but these two right here are the people who show up at your house to harass you when you have a problem.
If I face any backlash in the form of extra police attention from this, I wanted to make sure that the entire conversation was recorded. Please put it out so that it cannot be destroyed or edited. I am sending it to their department.
If I face any backlash in the form of extra police attention from this, I wanted to make sure that the entire conversation was recorded. Please put it out so that it cannot be destroyed or edited. I am sending it to their department.
the last 60 seconds. He was 12, if you watch the beginning, he is just a
kid in a park, goofing off. Yes, that is a BB gun in his hand. This
officer intended to shoot him before he even left the vehicle. Why? The
dispatch officer was told twice it was a kid and the gun probably was
not real. Never relayed to this rookie.…/cleveland_police_officer_shot_1.…
Cleveland police showed the video of the Tamir Rice shooting Wednesday during a press briefing.
- Tim Morris likes this.
- Tim Morris What kind of idiot felt like this would be a proper follow up to the original story? Warner has three domestic
- Tabitha Davis Oh well since his dad is a scumbag that makes it justifiable to kill a 12 yr old! What is wrong with people?!
- Tyler Duncan It doesn't matter if it was "probably fake". That is an observation of a passerby. This is a justified shooting. You people are idiots for thinking the officer just wanted to murder a kid. Quit Monday morning arm chair quarter backing these split second decisions you will never have to make. Leave law enforcement to professionals
There is a reason you are not police officers. - Tyler Duncan Why was the orange tip taken off of the gun? I have seen many armed robberies conducted with fake guns, the fact of it being fake doesn't make the robbery disappear.
- Steve Morris Tyler you're a fucking idiot. If you think this was justified, you probably need to be locked up for the safety of everyone around you.
Leaving it to the professionals is how we got to this point. Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you. - Jim Lind · Friends with BJ Williams MarshWhat I don't get is steve you have a viable argument that you muttled with the whole fuck you thing I suppose this will warrant a fuck you to me as well but it is what it is.
- Kip McEntire · Friends with Steve Morris and 1 otherI'm starting to think we need a non-lethally-armed police force for (almost) all patrolling and initial calls. Only after they have confirmed that an armed officer is needed can they call for one.
- Tabitha Davis Tyler your right I don't understand having to make a split second decision that's life or death. I'm sure that's very stressful but it doesn't justify this kind of outcome. These situations are becoming more common. That's not ok. Do I believe this officer just wanted to take a kids life? No probably not but that doesn't change the fact that he pulled up and immediately fired. When I first heard this story I thought hey the gun looked real. Perhaps this was an unfortunate misunderstanding. After all if the officer said put your hands up and the kid reached for a gun what was the officer supposed to do.... ? but watching this video that's not at all what happened. Unless the audio to this video could prove something I'm just not thinking of this was not justified. You could say the officer made a mistake but I can't agree that it was justified. He was a kid acting stupid like kids often do. That does not justify him being shot.
- Kip McEntire · Friends with Steve Morris and 1 otherMark Morris: Sorry for posting here if I shouldn't be. This just showed up in my timeline since Steve is a friend.
Jim: To be (kind of) fair, I don't think Steve was making an argument, so much as he was condemning Tyler for making a stupid argument.
Tabitha: Are these situations more common, or are we just learning about them more now? - Tyler Duncan Ha. Not carry guns to calls. Right when I think you people can't get any more idiotic. Let's take away police rights to protect themselves. I'm going home after my shift. You nut jobs can go join your friends in Ferguson.
- Tyler Duncan I am a police officer. I have more training then you could imagine. I have been in shootings before. So yes I think I know more than you guys that are spoon fed by the media.
- Jacob Cole How about we blame the dumb shit parents of this kid who didn't teach him not to point guns, even fake ones, at cops.
- Bryan David A stupid argument? You mean an educated point of view? This is the most intense thing you tools probably do in your whole life. You've never had someone shoot at you in a split second. I hope you never do because you're not going to make it and neither are those around you. You're a bunch of imbeciles lacking the balls to face criminals in the real world. This isn't the movies you fools. Multiple calls were made where this kid was pointing the gun at people and they thought it was real. The officer has no legal duty to be shot at first or allow others to die before engaging a threat. The stupidity here asserts children aren't capable of shooting others. How many teenagers and even younger kids have been involved in school shootings? This isn't just a "BB gun." It is a replica of a real gun and side by side looks the same. They have real hello kitty pattern firearms. Keep drinking the koolaid dick weasels. Lord knows you don't have the balls or intelligence to handle half a shift in an officer's shoes. Cowards
- Tyler Duncan But I'm the real idiot for debating a stay at home mom and a tiny store owner about law enforcement. Something they believe should be like the Andy Griffith show
- Bryan David Yeah kip, that's brilliant. We have that capability and always know when someone has a gun, knife, bat etc. SMH the stupidity of some people seriously makes me doubt there isn't a hospital dropping babies on their heads. Kip, check the back of yours.
- Bryan David Again Steve, enjoy the safety of being behind a computer. It's the most dangerous thing you do.
- Steve Morris I grew up in neighborhoods where little kids carried real guns in their wastebands. I've been standing a few feet away when a store owner chased a shoplifter out of his store by firing a 45 pistol toward him multiple times. I've hit the ground more than once when automatic fire broke out on my block. None of that could possibly justify the cowardly actions of this cop. The fact that you think it takes balls to drive up and shoot a child makes me sad. You're both pathetic.
You want a real argument?
A) It's not illegal to remove the orange tip from an airsoft or other toy gun.
B) The cop placed himself directly in danger with no options. That was sheer incompetence.
C) The kid has the same rights as the officer under the constitution, and any cop who feels they have or need extra rights should not be a cop because they're a coward.
D) They should have talked to him first. They could have done that from the safety of their car at a distance.
E) They should have evaluated to see if they could use non-lethal force before rolling up and shooting him. - Tyler Duncan Steve morris I wish I could arrest you for larceny of air. Its amazing how brain dead people like you waste good air.
- Bryan David No Steve it is not illegal. Taking that fake firearm without the orange top and shooting someone even if it is a BB gun is still considered assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
You're so full of crap Steve. Having the balls to roll up with an active shooter or someone which could potentially be one takes courage. Again, stop being ignorant and ignoring the fact children are shooting/murdering people in our current world. Your ignorance astounds me!!!!
By your suggestions and implications, you hitting the ground was cowardly. We go into those situations voluntarily. We aren't the Girl Scouts laying on the ground when crap hits the fan. Cowards like you are on the ground crying like the little bi@$&es they are. - Bryan David Steve, show me where the constitution states you have the right to point firearms at individuals. Also, it is an officer's job to go I to that situation and place himself in harms way/eliminate the threat if necessary.....especially after receiving 911 calls someone is pointing a firearm at people in the park
- Bryan David Also, thank you for demonstrating your ignorance on cars as cover Steve. The vast majority of parts of police cars do not stop pistol ammunition.
- Bryan David Also, it is impossible to differentiate fake guns with real guns like that, especially imitation BB guns you buffoon.
- Tyler Duncan No because it doesn't fit your agenda. I think you should move to mexico. Their police are not as on top of things. I bet its really safe
- Hillary Moesinger Harris Obviously without being there or hearing any audio it's hard to say exactly what took place those few seconds, but in defense of the cop, the boy was walking towards their car... the article also says that the cops weren't told the "it's probably a fake" comment that the caller made.
- Bryan David Steve, defense is not murder. You're freaking ignorant. If I took a gun into a mall and started pointing it at people, that does not mean I'm not a threat immediately justifiable to be eliminated if I haven't shot someone. Seriously, how stupid are you!!!!?
- Steve Morris You're asserting that cops have rights that ordinary citizens don't have to protect themselves.
I didn't mean to imply the car was completely safe, just far safer than 3 feet from the suspect.
You're abysmally ignorant of how dangerous it actually is to do your job. 27 cops out of nearly a million were killed last year. - Steve Morris Waving a gun in a crowded mall is not nearly the same as waving a BB gun in a park, even if the BB gun looks real.
- Bryan David Bahahahaha Steve just said only 27 cops were killed last year!!! Over 43 have been killed by gunfire alone this year not including federal agents!!!!
Where did I say cops have rights citizens don't? Are you ignorant!!? Or do you just lack any and all forms of reading comprehension/understanding of the law?
A conceal carry holder could legally shoot someone in self defense the second that someone pointed a gun at them in this situation. - Mark Morris Tyler Duncan you, sir, are full of shit. Here are the stats, and this is including officers who died from every single cause in the line of duty. Line of Duty Deaths: 105
9/11 related illness: 1
Aircraft accident: 1
Automobile accident: 25
Boating accident: 1
Bomb: 1
Drowned: 2
Duty related illness: 1
Electrocuted: 1
Fall: 4
Fire: 1
Gunfire: 30
Gunfire (Accidental): 2
Heart attack: 10
Motorcycle accident: 4
Stabbed: 2
Struck by vehicle: 8
Training accident: 2
Vehicle pursuit: 4
Vehicular assault: 5 - Steve Morris That 27 is an FBI statistic, moron. From 2013. The claim that a cop is shot and killed nearly every day is blatantly false.
- Tyler Duncan I'm done with this one. Valid proof that you can't fix stupid. But as long as tim stays behind his computer defending the world against in justice on issues he has no clue about.we will all be safe.
- Mark Morris Meanwhile, by various stats, which are not kept officially, the citizen toll for cop gun deaths in 2013 was between 460 (the police say) and nearly 600 according to media sources.
- Bryan David OMG what part of imitation BB guns are the same do you not get? It is labeled a deadly weapon in that sense. Even if it's not shot and is just strictly imitational, it is the same damn thing! They had multiple 911 calls he was pointing it at people you tool!
- Steve Morris I agree that this conversation may be proof that you can't fix stupid. Unfortunately stupid people are drawn to police work likes flies on shit.
- Mark Morris Tyler Duncan this site is a police honor roll, care to dispute it? Line of Duty Deaths: 105
9/11 related illness: 1
Aircraft accident: 1
Automobile accident: 25
Boating accident: 1
Bomb: 1
Drowned: 2
Duty related illness: 1
Electrocuted: 1
Fall: 4
Fire: 1
Gunfire: 30
Gunfire (Accidental): 2
Heart attack: 10
Motorcycle accident: 4
Stabbed: 2
Struck by vehicle: 8
Training accident: 2
Vehicle pursuit: 4
Vehicular assault: 5 - Mark Morris Line of Duty Deaths: 1059/11 related illness: 1Aircraft accident: 1Automobile accident: 25Boating accident: 1Bomb: 1Drowned: 2Duty related illness: 1Electrocuted: 1Fall: 4Fire: 1Gunfire: 30Gunfire (Accidental): 2Heart attack: 10Motorcycle accident: 4Stabbed: 2Struck by vehicle: 8Training accident: 2Vehicle pursuit: 4Vehicular assault: 5
- Bryan David No you dumbass!!! It is from the officer down page for the current fiscal year....DUMBASS
- Hillary Moesinger Harris Steve I think we'd be in a more dangerous place if the offenders have to fire first before the cops or everyday citizens are allowed to defend themselves... You best believe if I ever get attacked in a parking lot at night I won't be asking any questions... just saying.
- Mark Morris Tyler Duncan that comes from a list with names, and causes, here: which is way more than they are willing to do for the citizens they execute without even charging them with a crime, forget trial. Meanwhile, the actual deaths by court mandated execution are under 50 per year.So far this year, 105 law enforcement officers have died in the line of
- Bryan David Yeah Mark, the cops in those instances should have allowed themselves to be shot instead. You're so stupid!!!! An officer has no legal duty to allow himself to be fired upon first. Stick to watching movies and giving each other hand jobs mark and Steve.
By the way, Officer Duncan had someone fire at him when he exited his car and tried to talk to them. Your suggestions have been proved ignorant!!! - Bryan David Yeah, shooting someone after they pull a gun on you is so wrong and murder. Thank God you idiots work in grocery stores or whatever you do. You would be dead otherwise.
- Mark Morris Bryan David I was responding to the idiotic statement that one cop per day gets shot and killed. More like less than one very 10 days, meanwhile, more than one citizen per day continues to lose their lives. Am I arguing that all of these were innocently minding their own business when they were shot down in cold blood, hell no. I hear of cases all the time where cops shoot someone justly. This video, in my opinion, does depict that at all.
- Bryan David Yes you did Steve!!! This has been your argument the entire time. They should try to talk someone down who is armed with a gun first. They have no legal right to shoot etc.
- Mark Morris Okay, wow, great use of language there Bryan David. Where is your statistical information, or at least one fricking intelligent statement, instead of this BS cops are always in the right crap.
- Steve Morris Never said they have no legal right. They absolutely should assess and try to talk the person down. The only time they should come in with guns blazing is when the suspect is already shooting.
- Mark Morris BTW, even one cop shot dead while legitimately doing their duty is one too many. But, you have to look at both sides of the equation to find a solution.
- Mark Morris There was no one else in that park. If you want to get right down to it, the cops puts themselves "in harm's way", except, it was a freaking toy!
- Bryan David Mark, wtf are you talking about dumb ass!?!!! My whole argument has been intelligent. Yours is based on not an officer does from gunfire daily. This is due to training you imbecile!!!! Officers are fired on all the time. Just because they don't die etc doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
- Bryan David BB guns and BB guns designed as imitationals are not just toys. There is a reason a convicted felon can't legally own imitationals or BB guns. If you shot someone with a BB gun, you would be charged ADW felony
- Hillary Moesinger Harris I get what Mark is saying about the cops probably should have pulled up farther away, then maybe they could have said something to the kid, but considering the kid had been pointing the bb gun at people previously, he might very well have pointed it at them anyways, you can't see his hands when the cops pull up... I think the parents should really be blamed here, they obviously haven't taught their child gun safety...
- Bryan David
BB guns are just toys. Let's forget the imitational argument. They can't kill people....See - Bryan David California mom-of-two was shot dead by her
- Bryan David 18-month-old toddler was killed after being shot|By Mandi Milligan, Terrance Kelly
- Will Higgins This whole argument is horseshit. If the kid wasn't waiving a realistic looking toy gun in public in the first place, then this wouldn't have happened. Where were this kids parents, why was he allowed to have a BB gun or anything else for that matter without supervision? Why was he waiving it in public? If the gun were bright green then this would have been wrong, but it wasn't, it was black.
- Bryan David
Do I need to continue posting - Tyler Duncan Just give up Bryan. They will be grateful one day when they have to call police to bail them out of a situation. When their cowardice kicks in they will understand. Until then we should let them jump on the popular bandwagon and act oppressed like they live in Nazi Germany.
- Mark Morris CARRYING A BB GUN IS NOT CAUSE FOR THE DEATH PENALTY TO BE ENFORCED AND IDIOTS WHO CAN SHRUG THIS SHIT OFF AS PERFECTLY REASONABLE ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS DAMN COUNTRY. Tyler, I pray to God a mouth breather like yourself will never stand between me and the threat of a twelve year old boy with a bb gun. You are a prime example of the problem. You believe you would be justified in killing this child. May God have mercy on your sick, sick, soul. We are oppressed, by jack booted thugs like yourself, which you have proven to be, because your concern is definitely not with the citizenry you swore an oath to protect, or the constitution you swore an oath to defend. I am afraid, that in the end, the likes of you will turn out to be right, not because you are, but because the rest of us will refuse to think as if it is okay to slaughter you at our own discretion. You keep doing what they tell you, like a good little lap dog, and you will find yourself policing in a state that makes Nazi Germany look like a Summer camp, but come to think of,it, that seems to be okay with you. Why don't you occasionally pick up a history book and realize that you cannot have a police state with free citizens in it. The two are mutually exclusive.
- Will Higgins Mark, I guess you are a authority on Nazism. Because last time I checked we weren't sending people to death camps. If you think that you are living in a police state, then by all means move to somewhere that you believe is free.
This isn't about nazi's, authoritarianism, or even race. It's about ignorance, and that's it. - Bryan David ^^^^i thought I smelled shit, it was just Mark continuing to lie and go on and on with his psycho babble BS. Thank God he hides behind the safety of a computer and never faces anything in real life. What a coward!!! Mark, if you ever defend your family after someone points an imitation gun at them or a BB gun, which legally is considered a deadly weapon, I hope I'm on your jury. I also hope if someone "fake attacks" someone and you step in, you're charged with every charge there is. You're an inexperienced imbecile with no life experience. You give humans a bad name.
Mark, you've inspired me to do a study on regressive evolution. After reading your posts I'm convinced we as humans are regressing. - Bryan David Nahhhhh how could his concern be with the citizenry after he would drive up into a situation where someone is pointing what looks like a 9,.40, .45 handgun without thinking about his own safety. I mean, he should do what you do and call 911 then hide!
- Bryan David Hey I have an idea, take a screen shot of Mark's business and spread the word it is ran by a man with an anti police agenda!
- Tyler Duncan Apparently mark is a blogger, he is posting this on his site and editing stuff out saying that we are examples of aggressive cops.
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