Friday, November 7, 2014
I have been challenged to think and
study on the topic of Liberty recently and I am discovering some very
powerful things about myself. When I started, I was operating under
the assumption that this was a “fixable” problem with society,
government and community, but the more I think about it, it is like
joy and happiness, I can only truly be happy within myself. I can
experience happiness communally with a group, only if I am already
happy personally. I think the same is true for liberty. For me, at
least, this is a problem of “me”. I must first set myself free,
and give myself permission to be “at liberty”.
There is a lot of talk about waking
people up these days, and I think this metaphor is appropriate in
more ways than one. As a society we are a sleeping giant, or maybe
it's better to say, “sleepwalking”. In order for that to change,
each one has to awaken to liberty in their own lives. They must
become free inside, in their minds, hearts and spirits, they must
accept that this is the natural order of things, that this is their
As this begins to happen, it spreads,
like so many things, through casual contact. The idea of liberty is
so attractive to the human imagination, that when we perceive it in
others, it almost immediately stirs up feelings in each of us. For
some, it brings a longing. Those people are so close to waking up
that it will take only a nudge to get them thinking and acting as
liberty minded.
For some, it brings fear. If that is
you, you must begin to unwind the layers of lies that encase your
mind. You are rightfully equal to every other person on this planet,
start there. For some, the “system” is so engrained in them that
it sets off alarm bells, they feel threatened by the idea of personal
liberty and can only conceive of a freedom that is granted to them by
someone else.
The way to awakening, is to begin to
reclaim all of those threads connecting things in your life, to
yourself, to your work, your family, your worship, your government.
De-compartmentalization is the key to enlightenment.
Compartmentalizing is what has driven us to just "do our jobs"
and separate so many parts of our life. You do not have a "social
life" and a "work life" and a "family life"
you have one life. They are all overlapping and interconnected in a
million ways and thinking of them as separate is damaging. You cannot
make choices about who you want to be, and what you want your life to
be if everything is disconnected.
We have allowed a segmenting of our
society, which begins at a very early age. We have believed myths
about age that simply are not true in some cases, or bear much less
weight than we have believed, in others. In school, we are divided by
strict age guidelines, and are taught that association with one's
“peers” is the right and sane thing. The idea that people one or
two years from my own age are the best people for me to seek out to
get the most out of life, seems absurd. It leads to a host of
problems, but the segregation does not stop there.
We are divided by race, by class, by
occupation, by political affiliation, geographic location, and
leisure time activities. The categories become so narrow, that many
of us could count on one hand the number of people we talk to on a
regular basis that are unlike us in any appreciable way. We hang
with people who dress like us, talk like us, listen to the same
music, watch the same movies, and read the same books. Meanwhile, we
are living on smaller and smaller islands created by all of these
artificial divisions and walls.
Here is what I suggest. Make some new
friends. Purposely go looking for people that are different from you.
Yes, at first, you may think you have nothing to talk about, nothing
“in common”, but you are 99.4% identical to every other single
solitary human being on this planet! That's right, there is less than
a one percent difference between you and Hitler! Or Ghandi! Or
Abraham Lincoln, or Ghenghis Khan!
But you don't have to have anything in
common to get along, or converse. In fact, all you need is one
quality that all humans possess from birth: curiosity. That's right,
the curiosity to know, what makes you feel, think and act like you
do. Understanding. Getting to know someone who quite possibly
disagrees with you on nearly everything you focus on every day takes
nothing more than asking them a few questions. Here is what you will
find, that .6% is exactly as small as it sounds. They have brothers
and sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, favorite
teachers, the list goes on.
Get out and reconnect yourself to your
world. Don't let them segregate us anymore. It may feel that they are
trying to force us into one big group, but before they do that, they
want to break us apart as much as possible, because, if we trust each
other, we may communicate, and if we communicate, ideas start to
happen. When ideas really get going, things change, and real change
is not something the system can handle.
Imagine: what if everyone just decided
to stop believing in money? It is an illusion, there is no such thing
as money. Think about it. Where is it? What is it? Not the paper that
represents it, but the real money? There is none. Only 4% of the
wealth that gets traded in our economy even exists as paper money,
it's all just numbers in a big computer system. It all holds the
value we give it. So, what if we stopped giving that value?
What if? At first it would be highly
difficult, we have been used to this means of exchange for centuries,
but think about it, what is money? Have you ever watched an
apocalyptic movie, or even one set in the real world following a
devastating war. What happens when someone finds a pile of cash? They
laugh maniacally, or use it to light fires, but the understanding is,
it is worthless. That is because it has been reduced to its true
So, if we stopped believing in it,
would we still go to work at the same jobs? Would we still make the
same choices? What if, instead, our wealth was based on what we
actually contribute? (yes, I know, this is a huge fantasy with no
basis in actual reality...yet) but what if? What would change for
you? Whatever weight you just felt lifted from your shoulders by that
thought, that is your chain. As Marley so aptly describes it to
Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, the chain we forge in life. WE FORGE!
I know this post is getting long, and I
may even be getting a bit lost here, but the system is only as strong
as our belief in it. Truly. When we wake up to the whole world, and
allow ourselves to see how all of the things we do, think, say and
experience are connected, it begins to awaken in us a desire to
improve that situation, and here is my point: I believe that longing
is the proof, that somewhere, latent in the modern man in
“civilized” society, is the knowledge, the belief, the certainty,
that we were made to forge our own destiny, and that we can.
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