Thursday, November 13, 2014
I talk to myself, a lot. Yeah, I know that is suppose to be a bad thing, but I know myself better than anyone else does, and recently, I have found a way of doing this that actually seems to be helpful. The idea came to me from reading "The Artist's Way" (a book I highly recommend, by the way) the author said she asks herself questions in her journaling, and then thinks through her own response, putting herself at a distance, away from the chaos of circumstances, and writes out her answer.
This appealed to me for a couple of reasons; first, I have tried to start mentoring relationships in the past to ask these questions and have found that they typically do not end well. Then I feel abandoned, and fine myself further off track than before, but I still need advice. With my Mother gone from this life, my Dad in the Philippines, and most of the older generation of my family either gone on before, or scattered across the country, it is hard for me to find people further down the road who have a vested interest in my success.
Second, I give great advice. No, really, I can count at least a dozen people who have sough other careers, gone to school, started a business, found the love of their lives, and have said to me, "It was that thing you said." that made them move forward. But, I still feel stuck! So, I decided to try it, and I am not sure why I decided to share it here, but.....
Here is a little of what I have said to myself lately, mostly regarding work. I left a few names out, because my questions were personal, but I think you still get the gist. Turns out I give pretty good advice,
Hey, Mark, what do I need to ask xxxx
about, or for, in this meeting today?
Start with telling him why you think
he can help, tell him about the venues, and ask him to tell you what
questions you should be asking. Let him steer the conversation. Don't
do your usual, try to impress thing. This guy is the real deal. He
could make or break this idea if he is interested in it. Do not
expect anything. Remove getting a solution from your mind. There is
no solution, there are only ideas.
How can I build up
a resume' writing clientelle, Mark?
Build your website, write things
about writing. Look for the opportunities, there are bigger things
than resume's don't get stuck on that. Offer it, sure, it pays good,
but you are not excited about resume's write what excites you in
writing, and entrepreneurial stuff and law of attraction stuff. Keep
it exciting for you, and just have fun. Don't post anything to make
an impression and DO NOT DO ANY KEYWORD RESEARCH. That is the road to
whoredom, the way to ruin writing for yourself. Keep it going, write
every single day, at least once, whether you have anything to say, or
What should I do
about the carpentry stuff, Mark?
Take what comes. Don't go looking
for more right now. There are other opportunities right around the
corner, this is where we make our successful break for our real
destiny! Let your work speak for you. If you get referrals, handle
them like the absolute pro you would be if you slowed down and
focused solely on the work, not the money!
What do I need to
do to make my destiny come faster?
You know the answer to this, I am
not sure why you are asking. You stick to the program. You kick off
that social media campaign you wrote, for every page you want to
succeed, and you keep doing it, you don't stop. If you put up
enough good stuff, without worrying about keywords, or trying to fit
some audience, real, genuine stuff, it will happen! You will attract
attention, you cannot fail. Good, rich content, shared regularly will
get you there. Focus on making each piece you write the best it can
What do I do with
the spiritual side of me?
You know this! Stop thinking of it
as a “side” combine your life, do not compartmentalize.
Decompartmentalization is the only way to be a whole human being!
Hey, Mark, I need
to write another industry application for xxxxxxxx. What should I say
about self publishing and digital publishing?
Tell them how excited you are by the
I need to make $500
today. What should I do?
You should stop changing plans, just
because the need is urgent, wisdom dictates that prudent action is
prudent action, regardless of the circumstances. Your moment is
secure. Now, go secure your future and stop playing at this shit!
If you try this yourself, make sure you do it in private. One of my kids saw me doing it the other day, and apparently, I was using gestures and expressions, even though I was not vocalizing, as I typed. Let me know how that goes!
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My first Novel
The Wishmonger is a novel I wrote several years ago. It is primarily written for young adults,but will appeal to all audiences.
It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.
It was written, in part, as an alegory regarding the true nature of faith. It would make a great gift for any young person or reader. You can order your copy by following the link below.
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